Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Things Fall Apart By Chinua Achebe - 1143 Words

Charles Darwin once said â€Å"It is not the strongest or the most intelligent who will survive but those who can best manage change†(11 Powerful Quotes to Inspire Your Team to Embrace Change). This quote can be proven true in many sources throughout history, or books and even in the present day as people who don’t adapt to new changes very often experience many negative consequences. In Things Fall Apart, Chinua Achebe shows that when cultures collide and there is a refusal to change many negative consequences will follow as evidenced through the book, the spread of Islam, and Christianity in present day Nigeria. Achebe’s text does indeed show how when cultures collide and there is refusal to change, there will be many negative consequences. First, one character, Okonkwo refuses to convert to the new religion of Christianity because the beliefs of Christians contradicted those of the Ibo culture and, as a consequence devastation follows him. Foremost, the I bo people believed in many different gods and goddesses of the land, so when the white missionaries came to Umuofia and said that â€Å"they worshipped false gods†(pg.145), it caused some of the people like Okonkwo distrust them. An example of this is shown where Okonkwo believes very strongly that the white missionary man was mad (pg.147) as he told the Ibo people about the Holy Trinity. This is also shown where some of the new converts in Mbanta â€Å"boasted openly that all the gods were dead and impotent†(pg.154).Show MoreRelatedThings Fall Apart By Chinua Achebe1415 Words   |  6 Pagesbook Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe does just that. This book should be taught in schools because it shows the values and traditions of Achebe’s Igbo culture, persistently teaches life lessons throughout the book, and shows the darker reality of European colonialism in Africa. Chinua Achebe is known as one of the most influential and famous authors to ever write. Chinua Achebe originates from an Igbo background and he expresses that through his writings very well including Things Fall ApartRead MoreThings Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe1324 Words   |  6 Pages Chinua Achebe chose to write his novels in English to reveal a deep response of his people to colonisation and to make that response understood to people all over the world. Things Fall Apart was written in English to teach people worldwide of the struggles he faced and the people of Nigeria faced growing up. Many authors and critics have written about Achebe’s ‘Things fall apart’ adding their valued opinion on what he was trying to say and his decision to write in English. In the followingRead MoreThings Fall Apart By Chinua Achebe Essay1203 Words   |  5 Pages who took their land for monetary gain. This was a dark period of time for Africans that live there. The U.S. Civil War and The Great Depression both can be related, in this instance, to how down their people were because of what happened. Chinua Achebe said it best, â€Å"I would be quite satisfied if my novels...did no more than teach my readers of their past...was not a long night of savagery from which the first European acting on God’s behalf delivered them†(qtd. in â€Å"Morning Yet† 45). In theRead MoreThings Fall Apart By Chinua Achebe1452 Words   |  6 Pagesassume control over the Roman Empire. However, imperialism in Africa remained a recorded element from 1750 to 1945. This paper visits how control and changes were influences over the Africans during this time period as seen through Chinua Achebe’s novel Things Fall Apart. (UKEssays, 2015) Europe was experiencing a few financial and political changes that forced the major European forces to investigate abroad regions to add to their resources during the seventeenth century. In order for the EuropeanRead MoreThings Fall Apart By Chinua Achebe2361 Words   |  10 PagesThings Fall Apart Book Critique Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe is a historical fiction novel describing the life of Okonkwo in a Nigerian village succumbing to European ways, in order to portray Achebe’s view on imperialism. It was chosen for us to read by our teacher because it describes imperialism and its effects in an Ibo village of Nigeria. It also shows the treatment of natives by the Europeans and how the natives reacted. Things Fall Apart is useful to our course of studies because itRead MoreThings Fall Apart By Chinua Achebe1265 Words   |  6 PagesThings Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe is markedly relevant to our current course of studies in World History, as it tells a story based on European Imperialism in Africa. Coming off the heels of our Imperialism unit, this post-colonial novel provides very helpful context on different civilizations’ perspectives throughout the Age of Imperialism; aside from analyzing death tolls, descriptions of conflicts, and names of countries, it was previousl y hard to envision what life was actually like during thatRead MoreThings Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe 735 Words   |  3 PagesThings fall apart. Achebe. Ernest Gaines once said, â€Å"I write to try to find out who I am. One of my main themes is manliness. I think Im trying to figure out what manliness really is.† Indeed, every society or culture has its own understanding of an ideal man. Even though these characteristics are different in various parts of the world, the significance of masculinity can never be overestimated. â€Å"Things Fall Apart† by Chinua Achebe is considered as one of the best examples of a riseRead MoreThings Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe692 Words   |  3 Pagesthe way to go. Through commercial trading Islam spread into Igboland, and this led to more Igbo people leaving the Igbo way of life for another, whether it be Islam or Christianity which divide the country in two. In the novel Things Fall Apart written by Chinua Achebe British colonialism and the migration of Muslims to Nigeria led to the change in the faith, social and economic changes in the Igbo society. Traditional Igbo faith believes that there is only one creator or god known as ChinekeRead MoreThings Fall Apart By Chinua Achebe897 Words   |  4 PagesIn the novel, â€Å"Things Fall Apart† by Chinua Achebe the Igbo tradition revolves around structured gender role. Everything essential of Igbo life is based on their gender, which throughout the novel it shows the role of women and the position they hold, from their role in the family household, also planting women crops, to bearing children. Although the women were claimed to be weaker and seemed to be treated as objects, in the Igbo culture the women still provided qualities that make them worthyRead MoreThings Fall Apart By Chinua Achebe Essay1851 Words   |  8 Pageschoice and styles are critical not only to the reader’s understanding of the text but to his appreciation as well. How language is effectively manipulated in their writings enhances the reader’s valuing of the works. The selected novel Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe is a representation of Igbo culture and their language. It explores the life of an Igbo tribe at the time of when colonization hit Africa. It could be considered as a post-colonial text, as the protagonist of the story and the other

Monday, December 23, 2019

Gender In Advertising . . The Differences In How Men And

Gender in Advertising: The Differences in How Men and Women are Portrayed and How those Difference Affect Us: Across Time and Across Countries Bria Mosley The Ohio State University According to Advertising and Promotion: An Integrated Marketing Communications Perspective, advertising is defined as â€Å"any paid form of non-personal communication about an organization, product or service with an idea from an identified sponsor.† Advertising is the most cost-effective way to reach large numbers of consumers. It also builds brand equity by influencing consumers’ perceptions. However, one of the major disadvantages of advertising is that it is very non-personal. Advertising usually involves mass media in forms of television†¦show more content†¦Baby clothes, toddler clothes and children’s clothes all come in boy’s colors and girl’s colors. This ideal is also shown in shoes and toys both coming in â€Å"boy† or â€Å"girl† colors. Boys are usually advertised as playing with airplanes, soldiers and wild animals. Girls are usually seen playing with dolls and toy kitchens. As children grow into teenagers, these ideals are still pushed onto them by advertising, just in a different way. Teenage boys are portrayed as hyper active and obsessed with sports. On the other hand, teenage girls are considered less active and more concerned with their physical appearance and beauty (O’ Barr W. M., 2006). Gender roles in society have continued to change drastically compared to the 1940’s. In 1940, women made up around 20% of the workforce in America. Women currently make up around 50% of the work force. Family structures are also changing. The number of single parents is growing and the number of two parent families is getting smaller. This is true of workforces internationally as well. Worldwide, about 70% of working age women are working outside of the home. Women even make up the majority of professional workers in many countries, compared to in the early 1950’s when women were only working jobs where the pay was low and the hours were long, holding roles such as shelf stacker s, cleaners andShow MoreRelatedGender Portrayal Of Gender Roles953 Words   |  4 PagesDepartment of Labor, 69.7% of men compared to 57.2% of women were participating in the U.S. paid labor force in the year 2013 (U.S. Department of Labor, 2013). But despite this near equality in the rates of participation in the work force, men and women continue to be depicted in very distinct gender roles throughout the mainstream media (Eisend, 2010; Lull, Hanson, Marx, 1977; Collins, 2011). This gender stereotyping effect is especially prevalent within advertising. Because advertisements in theRead MoreGender Portrayals Of Women s Advertising1636 Words   |  7 PagesProfessor B. Hammer PIT journal/Transfer Portfolio 21 July 2015 Gender Portrayals in Advertising Gender portrayal in advertising has been a widely discussed and researched topic for years by social scientists, consumers, and advertisers alike. However, many people have looked at the topic solely from the perspective of male and female consumers and the effect that gendered advertisements has on them. In an article from The Journal of Advertising, Linda Tuncay Zayer and Catherine A. Coleman researched thisRead MoreInfluence Of Advertising And Marketing1515 Words   |  7 Pagesculture, advertising and marketing have to take part. When reading What We Are to Advertisers by James Twitchell and Men’s Men and Women’s Women by Steve Craig, people will realize that the main audience for advertising and marketing is what causes the â€Å"popular† of the culture to develop. In What We Are to Advertisers, the article examines that advertising is to not only label a product but to also label the consumer as they circulate all over this â€Å"pyramid† of social groups. For Men’s Men and Women’sRead MoreInfluence Of The Advertising Media On Gender And Representation Of Stereotypes1173 Words   |  5 PagesAbstract The advertising media often stereotypes gender roles either for added effects or for humor. Repeated use of these role-plays reinforces the public’s perception about how men and women should behave. This also shapes the expectations that society has towards them. The manipulation of these stereotypes by the media is an unconscious byproduct of the thinking of most men and women about what roles each gender should play. Deterministic theories emphasize that men and women evolve differentlyRead MoreCodes Of Gender And Gender1073 Words   |  5 PagesCodes of Gender SUT JHALLY â€Å"It is only when we start to look at [advertisements] carefully that we begin to see how strange and weird they actually are and begin the process of thinking independently, for ourselves, about what the culture holds up as normal.† 50 points total 1. What are the various types of gender expressions in advertising that reflect gender identity? (5 points) The various types of gender expressions in advertising that reflect gender identity are commercialization. TheRead MoreInfluence Of Advertising And Marketing1515 Words   |  7 Pagesculture, advertising and marketing have to take part. When reading What We Are to Advertisers by James Twitchell and Men’s Men and Women’s Women by Steve Craig, people will realize that the main audience for advertising and marketing is what causes the â€Å"popular† of the culture to develop. In What We Are to Advertisers, the article examines that advertising is to not only label a product but to also label the consumer as they circulate all over this â€Å"pyramid† of social groups. For Men’s Men and Women’sRead MoreThe Representation Of Gender And Media978 Words   |  4 PagesNowadays the representation of gender in media has become very common. It is all about the representation of phenomenally rapid change: change’s in gender relation transformati ons in media technologies, regulatory frameworks, content ownership and theoretical revolutions in the approaches used to make sense of gender representations. Gender and media aims to freeze the frame, press the pause button, or hit the refresh key to construct that how media shows social stereotypes. There are many advertisementsRead MoreWomen And Women s Advertising962 Words   |  4 Pagesadvertisements that contribute to shaping our society’s ‘ideal’ image of each gender (Baker 13). These images and texts typically represent and reinforce a fabrication of gender roles, expectations, and stereotypes. Examining and understanding the different portrayals of men and women in the advertisement industry is vital because we becoming so highly influenced by these unrealistic, fantasy-type images. In advertising, women are typically portrayed as feminine and submissive, sexual objects thatRead MoreAdvertising Guide Consumers Thinking, Actions And Behaviour1421 Words   |  6 Pageswhat it means to be a man or a woman. Ideas abot how to feel, dress, look and behave, and how to connect with other men and women is the culture we live in. A variety of advertisements such as TV adverts, billboards and print ads, outline the way men and women should be according to society. Advertisers give us gender specific advertisements to explain how it is to be a man or a woman. Society has grasped the concepts of what traditional roles in gender should be and applies them to advance their productsRead MoreIdentity : Social Identity And Self Identity Essay1640 Words   |  7 Pagesconcept† (Giddens, Appelbaum, Duneier Carr, 2013). It is hard to define identity, as it is how people understand themselves and what is important to them (Giddens, Appelbaum, Duneier Carr, 2013). Identities are complex constructions, as people from different backgrounds will hold different views on the idea of identity. There are two main types of identity: social identity and self-identity. Self-identity is how people view themselves as individuals in relation to the world around them, as it focuses

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Tobacco 16th Century Free Essays

Tobacco in the sixteenth century What is tobacco? The definition of tobacco is leaves of the tobacco plant dried and prepared for smoking or ingestion. For the English settlers in Chesapeake tobacco was there way of surviving. During the sixteenth century a man planted tobacco in Virginia for the first time and found it took well to the climate. We will write a custom essay sample on Tobacco 16th Century or any similar topic only for you Order Now Once the tobacco started growing it needed much attention and great care by hand. Workers were needed around the clock to tend to the crops. The settlers realized that tobacco could be there way to riches. The growing of tobacco not only helped the English settlers but also the English monarchy, ships men, and merchants. In 1612 John Rolfe planted seeds of tobacco plants that had been found originally in the West Indies and Venezuela. The plants grew very well and he started to experiment with methods of curing the leaf further enhancing its flavor. Rolfe sent his first shipment of tobacco to London in 1614. After this it became clear to settlers that they could make a fortune in Virginia by growing tobacco. In 1617 the colonists made their first commercial shipment to England. When the shipments first arrived they product was hardly known but Sir Walter Releigh Helped to make tobacco smoking popular among the English. At first tobacco was sold at a very high price were only the wealthy could partake, but once the English colonist began to grow and ship an abundance of tobacco the price became much lower and tobacco was an indulgence for many. The shipping of tobacco to England saved the Jamestown settlement. Before growing tobacco they couldn’t even grow enough corn to feed themselves. Once the colonist started growing tobacco it became very clear to them that it could be the road to a fortune. The revenue coming in from exporting tobacco kept Chesapeake alive and growing. The king saw all the wealth being made and so he put a tax on importing tobacco giving him a major financial interest. In the end the exporting of tobacco provided a livelihood for many, a fortune for a few, and valuable revenue for ships men, merchants, and the English monarchy. In order to make all the tobacco they shipped to England to gain their wealth the tobacco plantations needed workers. A hired man working on tobacco plantations could make two or three times more in Virginia than in England. Most of the workers on the plantation were indentured servants. These people have their trip to Virginia paid for by someone else then pay the person back by working in the tobacco fields for four to five years. The indentured servants were mostly young, male, and had no skills in the job force. They were thrown on a field and told what to do. Growing tobacco is a very time consuming job. First the fields had to be cleared by hand. Like the Indians the colonist â€Å"clered† fields by cutting a ring of bark from each tree, this was called girdling, killing the tree. Then colonist would use heavy hoes to till the fields. Holes were then made with sticks and the tobacco seed was placed in each hole. Once the plants matured they were cut down and thrown in a pile to wilt. After the leaves dried a little in the piles they were striped from the stock of the plant and suspended from poles in drying barns or just out in the fields. Last after the leaves were dry, they were seasoned, packed up in casks, and shipped off. During all of this work the men, women, boys, and girls from the age seven and up would smoke tobacco in order to pass the time. As farming went on the owners of the fields’ realized that the indentured servants were hard to control and would soon be free of their contract to them. They first found ways to add time to their contract but found it hard and people were living through their time served. So Between 1670 and 1700 the Chesapeake tobacco plantations discovered slavery and slowly made the transition from servant to slave fixing the problem for the moment. Just when the colonists of Chesapeake thought they would be starving and have no money for the rest of their being John Rolfe showed up and planted tobacco seeds. The seeds grow well and the colonist learned how to make money from all the hard work they were putting forth. They also found cheap ways of getting workers. Pay for an indentured servant and have them work for up to 7 or 10 years or have slave that don’t ever leave the plantation. The tobacco business thrived for everyone entangled in it. Over thirty-million pounds of tobacco was exported from Virginia to England helping make Chesapeake thrive as a colony. Bibliography The Old Dominion in the Seventeenth Century: A Documentary History of Virginia, 1606-1700 /  Edition 1by  Warren M. Billings The American Promise, A compact history, fourth edition, volume 1: to 1877, by: Roark, Johnson, Cohen, stage, Lawson, and Hartmann WWW. fcps. edu/GunstonES/gunstones/speciaLprojects/Jamestown1612. htm Gale Encyclopedia of Biography :John Rolfe How to cite Tobacco 16th Century, Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Work Health and Safety Legislation Management

Question: Discuss about the Work Health and Safety Legislation Management. Answer: Introduction: As discussed by Men (2014) employee satisfaction and motivation is a strategic requirement for the organizational management. A number of strategies are concerned with the issue of ensuring employee satisfaction. As mentioned by Kim and de Dear (2013) obtaining employee opinion before establishing any organizational decision is prerequisite for ensuring employee satisfaction and the motivation to carry out that decision from their end. In this selected context, the major issue that took place is the lack of employees opinion in the decision making process of the new roster (Fernndez-Muiz, Montes-Pen and Vzquez-Ords 2014). Employee roster is related to the issues like location, shift timing, assigned responsibilities, date of leaves and many other workplace related details. Now, it is important for the management to obtain prior opinion of the employees regarding their preferences of leave dates, working locations, shift timing and many more. As discussed by Hackman and Johnson (2013) communicating with the employees is significantly important in such cases. In the provided case study, as a member of the management team I need to address and solve this conflict as early as possible because, this conflict is likely to affect the customer service of the restaurant. As mentioned by Vogelgesang, Leroy and Avolio (2013) to solve the workplace conflicts communicating with the conflicting units can be identified as the primary but the most effective approach. Here, to solve the dissatisfaction, I am going to arrange one to one meetings with the employees to obtain their opinions regarding the issues they are facing with the new roster. Moreover, I will convey them the cause of the new roster and how it is going to help the organization with personal meetings and group sessions. On the other hand, as discussed by Bolman and Deal (2014) the organizational communication needs to be opened in both ways. Hence, I will discuss the concerns raised by the employees to the upper management and solve the issues the employees are facing now. Moreover, I will make a channel (a mail based feedback strategy) by which the employees will be able to raise their concerns regarding their workplace directly to the management team. As mentioned by Mondy and Martocchio (2016) depending on the management or leadership styles, the managers differ in obtaining team performance, interpersonal relations and employee motivation level. In the case of John, he is following the transformational management style in his way of leading the team. The leadership style of John deserves appreciation. As mentioned by Hassell, Crews and McLean (2016) the transformational leaders believe in leading by example and make active involvement in meeting the goals of the team. However, John is lacking the most significant criteria of a transformational leader by failing to communicate with his team members. As opined by Khanal et al. (2017) it is important for the leader to motivate the employees to meet the team goals by communicating with them. This lack of communication may make John suffer employee frustration and decreased group performance. Hence, John has to be open to his employees to address their concerns and motivate them for meeting the team goal, with the strategies like one to one meetings, group sessions, motivational speeches and experience sharing. Moreover, he needs to call for the opinions of the team members prior to make any decisions. Thus, he will be able to be a participative and transformational leader. In the case of Michelle, he is following the Laissez-Faire style of management. As mentioned by Enright (2014) the lack of leadership directions in the Laissez-Faire management style leads to lack of control over the team members. In the case of Michelle, he is facing the same issue of lack of control over the employees. Here, he needs to include certain rules of behaving and making managerial decisions. Though, the participatory pattern of decision making is increasing the employee involvement, but Michelle need to have the control on the final decision making process. It will increase the control of the manager over the team. Maria follows the autocratic leadership style. As mentioned by Mondy and Martocchio (2016) her over control on the team is making the employees dissatisfied. Hence, she needs to opt for the strategy of transactional leadership and allow positive and negative reinforcements to the performers. It will increase the motivation of the team members and they will not opt for other jobs. As mentioned by Enright (2014) to lead and motivate the employees for better performance setting example is the best approach. Hence, Sean needs to share his experience of success with the employees. By sharing his experience of struggle and success he will be able to motivate his employees to achieve further prosperity. In his memo, he needs to make the employees clear how the organizational success will prosper their personal and professional life. This memo will make him introduce as an enthusiastic and interested leader to the employees. As mentioned by Bolman and Deal (2014) by clarifying the personal and professional growth opportunities the leaders can become able to create employee motivation. Thus, the memo is going to collect an increased level of employee motivation for Sean. As Sean will be leader who makes direct involvement in the tasks for meeting the organizational goal. This will inspire the team members to act and change their loathing attitude towards the job. As mentioned by Hackman and Johnson (2013) the trait theory advocates that a leader needs to be someone who possesses some qualities like dedication, honesty, enthusiasm and others. It creates a charismatic personality for the leader. On the other hand, as mentioned in the transformational leadership theory, a leader needs to have a vision for future, an inclination to innovation and the ability to make people believe on their dreams. Sean has the characteristics of both the leadership styles. Theses personal characteristics will help Sean to have a positive control over his team members, moreover, the administrative position will give him the authority to exercise his powers. Thus, as a manager he will have a great range of control and power. As discussed by Men (2014) for inspiring and motivating a team, providing skill development trainings, task allocations, regular feedbacks and maintaining two way communications are the prerequisites for the leader or trainer. Here, in this selected case, I will arrange a group meeting with my team and make them aware about objectives and of the project and how the knowledge of the preparation for set menu in a restaurant is going to help them professionally. Prior to managing the team in the workplace, it will be clear to them what the project is all about. On the job site, I will divide the job roles to each of the team members according to their skills. However, prior to this, I will ask for the preferences of my team for any job role and then make the roster. However, the team members will be made known if contraventions of their choices occur. On the other hand, I will set performance objectives for each of the team members and provide them regular feed back upon their progress level. As discussed by Bolman and Deal (2014) a clearly set performance goal helps the employees to focus on their job role. In addition to this, I will arrange regular workshops and trainings on the issues like how to manage a busy commercial kitchen, the strategy of time management, the safety requirements and cooking lesions. Moreover, I will lay a regular feedback policy which will be aimed to collect the concerns of the team members they are facing in the course of this particular project. As mentioned by Mondy and Martocchio (2016) this open communication channel will help me to eliminate issues those are bothering the members low down the frustration among the team members and increase productivity of the team. Moreover, I will follow the strategy of rewarding my team members for their achievement of the performance goals and any innovative contribution to the job. As mentioned by Kim and de Dear (2013) positive and negative reinforcement helps in maintaining employee motivation and commitment. Thus, I will be able to keep my team motivated and sustain the performance. In the Australian set up, conforming to the workplace health and safety measures is the prerequisites for the organizations to avoid legal threats. Hence, in the selected training sessions the followings will be discussed: The laws and organizational details: The participants will make known about the guidelines of the Occupational Health and Safety Act, 1984 of Australia. As mentioned by Mondy and Martocchio (2016) the act provides the rights of knowing occupational threats, rejecting the unsafe tasks, the OHS guidelines of the organization and the participation in the OHS process. Hence, employees will be made known about the threat related to the restaurant operation like Burns, Cuts/open wounds, Sprains/Strains and others (Bolman and Deal 2014). Moreover, the employees will be made known about the organizational guidelines regarding handling of the products and equipments, cleanliness, contamination and weight lifting. All the employees will be provided a safety manual and regular workshops will be arranged to make the employees updated to the changes in the OHS policies and their needs in maintain workplace safety. The employees will be provided a suggestion form for obtaining idea from them in the context of creating an OHS policy for the organization. Moreover, employee survey will also be arranged to collect the view of the employees about the effectiveness of the OHS policy. The employees will be made known how the organization is going to address the raised concern of the employees regarding the safety issues. Moreover, the organization will present the success rate of addressing the concern of the employees and show how the recent changes such as the regular employee training policy, installation of auto-cut appliances, provide work wear etc. are being helpful in addressing the employees concerns. Identification and reporting: For reporting the concerns identified by the employees, they will be provided a separate mail ID handled by the management team to raise their OHS concerns. For evaluating the effectiveness of this session, the participants will be provided a feedback form with criteria of rating the session. Moreover, the knowledge of the employees will be evaluated with on site observation. A 15 days observation session will be arranged to identify the effectiveness of the training session. For conducting this training, microphones, sitting arrangements, projectors and stationery products will be needed. Hazard Risks Complaints Actions required Date of action The electrical appliances Short circuit Yes Installation of auto cut appliances 24/10/2016 Weight lifting Health threat No Installation of carriages 1/1/2016 The sharp appliances Health threat Yes Formation of first aid team Not Yet Figure: Action Plan (Source: Bolman and Deal 2014) Report to the Manager: The OHS policy of the company is successfully handling the OHS threats of the organization. In spite of the actions those have been taken for addressing the OHS issues, the company needs a team comprising of an emergency doctor and a dressing team for first aid requirements. Moreover, as mentioned by Mondy and Martocchio (2016) work place safety is both the legal and human rights concern for the organizations. Hence, the company needs to concentrate on this requirement with greater precession. Moreover, after the installation and policy formulation, the employees need to make known about the way of accessing the OHS services by the company. In addition to this, the feedbacks collected from the employees showing that, they do not have any channel or platform to raise their concerns regarding the occupational health and safety issues they are facing. It is only the periodical meetings that provide them the chance to raise their concerns. Hence, it is important to create a channel of in formation that will help them to raise their concern direct to the management. Reference: Bolman, L. and Deal, T., 2014. Leadership and management. Christian Youth Work in Theory and Practice: A Handbook, p.245. Enright, P.T., 2014. Work Health Safety legislation; the fire engineers neglected duty?. Case Studies in Fire Safety, 2, pp.1-8. Fernndez-Muiz, B., Montes-Pen, J.M. and Vzquez-Ords, C.J., 2014. Safety leadership, risk management and safety performance in Spanish firms. Safety science, 70, pp.295-307. Hackman, M.Z. and Johnson, C.E., 2013. Leadership: A communication perspective. Waveland Press. Hassell, L., Crews, K. and McLean, L., 2016. Human Resources (HR) Management. In Pathology Practice Management (pp. 161-178). Springer International Publishing. Khanal, S., Lloyd, B., Rissel, C., Portors, C., Grunseit, A., Indig, D., Ibrahim, I. and McElduff, S., 2017. Evaluation of the implementation of Get Healthy at Work, a workplace health promotion program in New South Wales, Australia. Health Promotion Journal of Australia, 27(3), pp.243-250. Kim, J. and de Dear, R., 2013. Workspace satisfaction: The privacy-communication trade-off in open-plan offices. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 36, pp.18-26. Men, L.R., 2014. Strategic internal communication: Transformational leadership, communication channels, and employee satisfaction. Management Communication Quarterly, p.0893318914524536. Mondy, R. and Martocchio, J.J., 2016. Human resource management. Human Resource Management, Global Edition. Vogelgesang, G.R., Leroy, H. and Avolio, B.J., 2013. The mediating effects of leader integrity with transparency in communication and work engagement/performance. The Leadership Quarterly, 24(3), pp.405-413.